Carpal tunnel syndrome : Introduction - BestTreatments
This is a very useful seris of pages produced by NHS Direct, This one is about Carpel Tunnel syndrome, and covers causes, symptoms, what treatments are available and how successful they are.
It is written for the patient and the suggestion is that you can use this page to learn more about your condition and the treatments available and use these pages when talking to your doctor.
The only downside I can see to this page is that as it is a NHS publication there is little or mno coverage of complementary therapies which may benfit sufferers of this condition.
It is written for the patient and the suggestion is that you can use this page to learn more about your condition and the treatments available and use these pages when talking to your doctor.
The only downside I can see to this page is that as it is a NHS publication there is little or mno coverage of complementary therapies which may benfit sufferers of this condition.
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