Friday, June 16, 2006

New drug to end brittle bone misery for elderly | the Daily Mail

Brilliant news for women who tend to suffer most from osteoporosis.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Managing chronic pain helps patients stay active

Some useful ideas about managing chronic pain for sufferers of arthritis. It's a shame that there is no mention of complementary therapies which can be a very effective tool for helping to manage arthritic pain.

Chronic pain hurts both workers and employers, FSU professor says

An article from Florida State University about chronic pain and how social issues and fears about job security mask the true number of people suffering from chronic pain.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Anatomy | Anatomy Atlas | Anatomy Education | Anatomy Library - Anatomy Atlases

Wonderful free site for students and therapists.

BestTreatments :: Home

Awebsite launched by the British Medical Journal and designed to give accurate, up-to-date and jargon-free information in an easy to understand format.

Friday, June 02, 2006

BBC NEWS | Health | Drug reactions 'must be reported'

It's good that the BMA is calling for a more careful reporting of severe adverse reactions to drugs.

I do however find it a bit ironic that the same people who slam complementary therapies for being 'unproven' have been turning a blind eye to the under-reporting of adverse reaction to proscribed drugs.

Can you imagine the pressure there would be from the medical establishment to ban any complementary therapy which caused these sort of problems and had this sort of death rate!

BBC NEWS | Health | GPs to listen for arthritis clue

Brilliant idea, lets hope it works.

However it does worry me that increasingly doctors seem to rely on tests and machines without actually examining patients.

BBC NEWS | Health | Tourette's housemate 'exploited'

I found this article stupid and patronising.

Whatever you think of Big Brother the participants are all adults who choose to go on the programme. Suggesting that Pete is being 'exploited' suggests the very old fashioned idea that anyone with a disability needs to be protected for their own good. He's an adult with the right to choose his own path.

Individual rights apart; Pete seems to me to be one of the more stable and bright individuals on the programme and as such is likely to provide an excellant role model for children with Tourette's and to remove some of the fear of the unknown from this condition.

Find the balance - Health - Times Online

This is a short but thoughtful article about how NHS funds should be spent and the ethical position of funding complementary medicine for chronic conditions versus conventional drugs for acute conditions.