Friday, September 22, 2006

BBC NEWS | Health | Back-pain acupuncture 'effective'

Good news that at least some of the NHS is recognising the benefits of Acupuncture in the treatment of back pain, I'lll keep my fingers crossed that oone day they will do the same with massage and non-manipulative re-alignment therapy.

Does cranberry juice prevent urinary tract infections? - The Boston Globe

There are still some arguments about this but the bulk of evidence is that drinking cranberry juice daily can help to prevent bladder infections and may even help to treat them.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A feeling for healing - Health - Times Online

When conventional medicine seems to be moving toward a more anti-complementary medicine stance its good to see this success story of a spirital healer working within the NHS.

The American Pain Foundation: Survey - Treatment Options PDF

This is a free publication you can download about treatment options for pain.

It's produced by the American Pain Foundation so I'm not sure how many complementary therapies it will cover but it's still useful information for anyone living with chronic pain.