Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Keep your joints healthy: A complete guide to staying strong -

Nothing very startling here but this article does give some good information about how joints change with age and some tips about minimising joint problems.

Massage: It’s Real Medicine -

Nice article which outlines some of the health benefits of having a regular massage. It's good to see such positive coverage in the media for this therapy.

Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment: Glucosamine or Tylenol?

This study done with 318 people results showed that taking Glucosamine sulfate was more effective than either a placebo or taking painkillers for reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

It is importnat to take the glucosimine at the correct strength (1,500mg daily) as a lower dose won't have the same effect.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fit for the foot? |

I do suffer from knee problems and I'd like to try these shoes but the price has put me off so far. I'd love to hear from anyone else who has tried them if the expreriences are good or bad.

Know the key to preventing chronic back pain -

I see many patients with chronic back pain as this is an area I specialise in. I find that most are helped by a combination of Neuroskeletal Re-alignment and remedial massage but the most successful are people who are also prepared to help themselves by amending thie posture and doing soem exercises to promote the flexibility and stability of their back muscles.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Easing Back Pain the Alternative Way -

This article is about acupuncture and how it helped this person out of back pain.

It's good to see that complemetary therapies are starting to gain popularity for this sort of chronic condition as I know that such therapies can bring relief when conventional mediciece fails.

My own therapy is Neuroskeletal Re-alignment but there isn't any one therapy which will work for everyone so people need to be prepared to try several options.

Heavy Handbags Could Cause Back Pain - ABC News

This isn't news to me but may be to other people, I find that shoulder bags are the very worst culprits and are oftern implicated in severe shoulder pain in my female clients.

I myself was misdiagniosed with Carpel Tunnel in my right hand some years ago. I didn't believe that carpel tunnel was the cause of the numbness I was getting in my fingers and stopped using the heavy shoulder bag I'd carried on my left shoulder for years. It took several months but the problem eventually faded. MY suspitions were confirmed when I started carrying a laptop bag on my left shoulder and the numbness came back within a couple of weeks.

One of the interesting points of this litle story is that the numbness was in the opposite side from the shoulder I used to carry my bag.

Physical Activity and Knee Osteoarthritis

Some useful links about exercise and it's effect on the progression of knee arthritis. This study suggests that exericise won't effect the arthritis either way but will be beneficial for the whole body.

There is also a link which suggests exercises which are beneficial for arthritis sufferers.

10 Cooking Tips for People With Arthritis

I found most of these tips fairly obvious but even if there may be one simple little thing that can help you it's worth looking the list over.