Monday, October 30, 2006

PIP_Online_Health_2006.pdf (application/pdf Object)

I found this newly published report about people who search on the Internet for Health information facinating. It's about the US but I would think that similar trends would be true of the UK so it's still relevant.

It tells us that 80% of internet users search online for health information and half of these were looking for information for a friend of relative.

More worrying 75% of these people tend not to bother to check the source and date of health information. Only 15% said they always check this information. This isn't entirely their fault however as a recent study showed that the majority of health websites don't make this information available.

The report gives lots of statistics broken down by age and demographics but if you have any interest in the subject I suggest you look at it in more detail yourself.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Patient groups special: Swallowing the best advice? - health - 27 October 2006 - New Scientist

Facinating article about pharmacuitical funding for patients rights groups in the US.

This is less likely to be a problem in the UK as we are too small as a market to attract the big pharmacutical companies.

Of course we may also worry that patient groups may be less likely to give information about complementary therapies if they are being funded by the pharmacutical companies.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Medicine for the Public - NIH Clinical Center

This is a series of 6 lectures for the general public gven by leading medical men in the various fields. They are sponsered by the National Institutes of Health from the USA.

The lectures can me viewed at this site if you have Realplayer on your machine and the subject aread covered are:
- Preventing Heart Disease
- Updated Strokes
- Tuberculosis in the 21st Century
- Obesity
- AIDS after 25 years
- Depression

Friday, October 27, 2006

Back pain can cramp most people’s style - Tahlequah Daily Press

Apparently it's National save your back week in the USA, I'm not sure I want to import the concept but I do like the tips included in the article.

As both Neuroskeletal Realignment and Massage are helpful for chronic and acute back pain I treat a lot of people with this problem. Unlike the article I find that women suffer from back pain just as much as men but the advice is generally good.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fasting may boost recovery from spinal injury - health - 26 October 2006 - New Scientist

Fascinating study done on rats which suggests that fasting after a spinal injury can improve recovery.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strenghening the Core helps Back pain - Health Link | | News for Seattle, Washington

I treat a lot of people who have back pain and once we have their pain under control I tend to recommend they try pilates classes to strenghen their core muscles.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Too many elderly 'left in pain' - BBC NEWS | Health

A sad survey which I suspect may be only too true.
Those of us in the complementary therapy field know that our therapies are often helpful for chronic pain conditions. Unfortunately elderly people cannot afford always afford to pay for this type of help.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Research, belief and healing -

In this article a doctor from the Miami Medical School answers some questions about complementaty therapies they are looking at providing for patients.

Menopause - Medications for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis - BellaOnline - Menapause Site

This article by a doctor goes through the medications available for treating and for preventing Osteoporosis.

It covers only the pharmacuticals and doesn't touch on exercise, diet, herbs or complementary therapies but it does give the benefits and side effects of each drug.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Berry juice may be a heart tonic - BBC NEWS | Health |

Sea buckthorn from India may be the next big thing in health drinks, the juice is known to lower cholesterol but it's been hard to extract it.
These researchers have found a new method which works.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

the Daily Mail - Childhood obesity linked to youngsters staying up too late |

Interesting study that lack of sleep is linked to obesity in children, of course there are laos the other twin evils of excess junk food and lack of exercise. I think the 3 probably go hand in hand to creat a vicious circle.

In my opinion another factor which is often ignored is the over anxious paranting that is fueled by scare stories from the tabloids, we used to play out in the streets, run around and climb trees.

Blaming the schools for lack of exercise is an easy option but I think our current atmosphere of fear also conrtibutes not only to lack of exercise for children but lack of the chance to experience life.

Scripps Howard News Service - Yoga helps ease the pain of scoliosis

I'm interested in Scoliosis as it's one of the conditions for which neuroskeletal realignment can offer huge pain relief benefits.
It's good also to suggest self help techniques like Yoga classees so they can help to maintain the benefits longterm themselves.

Fish Oil Reduces Cardiovascular Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

I think it's generally known that fish oils are good for you, this study shows that they have particular benefits for people who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Explained With Pictures

Useful set of web pages with lots of information about Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fibromyalgia : Acupuncture in the news:

In case you are wondering why there is suddently a flood of articles on Acupuncture I just found this interesting weblog by Vitalis Skiauteris which is all about the subject.

This post is about a study done to evaluate the effects of Acupuncture on people with Fibromyalgia. The study was with 50 patients 25 of whom recieved acupuncture and 25 contols. Treated patients reports a decrease in fatigue and anxiety.

Acupuncture And Migraine - Acupuncture in the news:

This study was published in the BMJ and found that acupuncture was effective in reducing the number of migraines suffered by people who had treatments.

This study included 401 people and took place over a one year period.

Menopause Hot Flashes and Acupuncture - Acupuncture in the news:

Report of a study that found that accupuncture was effective in reducing hot flushes during menopause. The study was placebo controlled but I'd have liked to know what the sample size was.

Ways to Manage Your Pain

This is a very good page about managing pain especially for arthritis sufferers.

I found a lot of interesting material on the site but parhaps the most immediatly useful link was the one entitled 10 Ways to increase your pain which offered practical tips for arthritis sufferers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yoga's surprising health benefits - Lansing State Journal:

Here's an incentive to try Yoga for any or all of the health benefits discussed in this article.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Overeating 'like drug addiction' - BBC NEWS | Health |

This is a very interesting study although it was a bit small to be relied on very heavily.

Osteoporosis drug advice concerns - BBC NEWS | Health |

As a woman under 65 I'd rather not have to wait until I've broken 3 bones before I'm prescribed the drug that will help to prevent futher deteriation to my bones.
I'm lucky that I don't have osteoporosis and I hope you are too but all the more reason for all women to make a fuss now before you are in plaster and on crutches!

Black tea 'soothes away stress' - BBC NEWS | Health |

As a good northern lass I've always known instinctvely that a cup of tea helps you destress, nice to see that the scientists have caught up.

Sleeping without a prescription:

This is a very interesting article for anyone who suffers from insomnia.

From the point of view of anyone interested in complementary therapy the article is a mixed blessing.
On the one hand it's great to see such a positive message about complementary therapies being used in this way.
On the other hand I'm sad that they refer to it as 'alternative medicine' instead of the prefered term of 'complementary therapy'.