Monday, August 28, 2006

Chronic fatigue syndrome :BestTreatments

This is a useful introduction to the subject with information about the current level of medical knowledge.
I outlines which treatments have been scientifically tested but does metion others. What I find a real shame is that hands on complementary therapies are not mentioned at all.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Carpal tunnel syndrome : Introduction - BestTreatments

This is a very useful seris of pages produced by NHS Direct, This one is about Carpel Tunnel syndrome, and covers causes, symptoms, what treatments are available and how successful they are.

It is written for the patient and the suggestion is that you can use this page to learn more about your condition and the treatments available and use these pages when talking to your doctor.

The only downside I can see to this page is that as it is a NHS publication there is little or mno coverage of complementary therapies which may benfit sufferers of this condition.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Elderly 'should take probiotics' - BBC NEWS | Health

Probiotics can help prevent IBS especially in elderly people according to experts. I'm not sure if I count as elderly but I'm going to give them a try and see if they help.

sunsafty.pdf (application/pdf Object)

A suncare safety leaflet from the USA with seven steps to safter sunning.

Skincare.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Maybe this is a bit late for this year but given the wonderful weather we have been having in the UK this year I thought it was worth putting up this leaflet about summer sun care. It is produced by Cancer Research and intended for ther general public.

Monoply medicine squashes the alternatives - Common Ground - July 2006

Very interesting article by Alan Cassels which looks at the various ways that orthodox medicine and the huge pharmacutical companies which underlie conventional medicine work to discredit alternative medicines and vitamin therapies.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heat 'blocks body's pain signals' - BBC NEWS

Researchers have determined the reason why heat is helpful in relieving pain. It seems that hugging a hot water bottle is just as effective as taking a painkiller and the effects last for at least an hour.

Honey trialled on cancer patients - BBC NEWS

This is a clinical study which is being done at Manchester Royal Infirmary to assess the efficancy of Manuka honey in preventing MRSA infection.

It's good to see this type of study being undertaken as often complemntary therapies aren't gived this type of testing due to lack of funds.